Friday, November 5, 2010

Week 45: 175 pounds

Getting there! Whew. I just finished Week Six of the C25K Plan, and it kicked my ass. But on 2 out of the 3 runs, the damn circuit breaker on the treadmill tripped, sending me careening forward in what I suppose was a comical display of uncoordination, if anyone would have seen it. But all it did was piss me off, as all of my numbers (distance, time, laps, calories, etc) reset to zeros! Grrrr!! Tonight, after work, I am taking the thing apart and bypassing the wimpy circuit breaker. I know, that's unsafe. But so is putting a chubby body onto a treadmill so I guess I'm living on the edge!

Week seven looks daunting to me, but I gotta do it. I promised, with a handshake, that I would run with a friend of mine on the Turkey Day 5K Run, which is in only a few weeks! He happens to be a runner in phenomenal shape too, so no pressure there!! But there is no backing out, and I really don't want to anyway, so here I go.

Oh, and I like the fact that I am noticing less "belly bounce" when I walk around throughout the day. Not that I have six-pack abs or anything, but I am tighter! I like that, so that is helping me fuel my resolve to continue.

The cumulative effect of this is paying off now in a slightly exponential way. That is to say, that the more I work out, the more I CAN work out. Thus my increased workouts are resulting in greater gains (or, losses, I suppose!), which means I can do even MORE! Adding more weights and doing more reps of each, running greater distances and at faster paces, all are providing me more benefit. The kicker here, is that even though I knew this logically all along, I still had to feel it for myself in order to believe it myself. Hardly an epiphanistic revelation, but still a thinking point for me when I ponder why the kids won't listen to what I am telling them. But I digress...

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